It’s the holiday season and for the first time in a long time I will not being going home for the holidays. Duty in the retail world calls and I have to be at work on Black Friday at 6am (yah me). I’m really sad about missing Thanksgiving because Thanksgiving is a big deal for my family, it’s the time I get to see all my family and extended family, like my grandmother, grandfather, uncles, aunts and cousins. It’s hard to wrap my head around the fact that I will be having Thanksgiving dinner with my store manager, but I’m managing to be ok with this situation. The worse part about it all is that I am going to miss the big Dallas Cowboy Thanksgiving party they throw every year.It's the one party my friend Robin and I kick it really hard and have absolutely nothing to show for it the next morning but a hang over ...don't judge us (lol). I must admit being away from home isn’t so bad anymore because at least now I’m making progress with my dream.
When I first moved back to Atlanta I was excited. I felt like I was making a move here for the third time and this time my world of dreams would come true. I made a vision board, read every “self help” book known to man and fasted and prayed. I did everything to make sure this year would be the best year of my life. I just knew 2011 was the year that love, romance, and music would all come together and I would be the new poster child for “Dreams Do Come True”. Tragically that is not what happen to me. I get here only to struggle finding a job, and struggle with dating and just struggle. Thankfully things have turned around. I have manage to record more music (I’m trying out pop music….don’t judge me, I’m finding my way, lol). I sang at a night club and a very nice man offered to be my vocal couch. I must admit I love vocal lessons because I learn so much about my voice and it keeps me fresh. I thought having a fashion stylish/ image consultant was someone I would hire when I started walking the red carpets of major music awards, but after I met an up and coming fashion stylist and he broke it down to me about the importance of having a marketable image I signed up to be his client. So far he is transforming me into a Mega Super Star Pop singer and I like it. I don’t have a huge major deal or making strong head ways but I do like the fact that things are finally coming along.
Taking vocal lesson is something every singer should do because it’s really good exorcize. I always thought I’d be an R&B singer but I kinda like singing pop. I like the fact that it’s so many harmonies in creating a popular sound. Image is just as important music, people want a whole package when it comes to an artist. The point of it all is I’m still in Atlanta and I am making progress with my music career. My love life however is another story. I attempted to get a jump off but he was young and he talked to much. So I’m still stuck with showing myself some love for the time being (lol). But no worries friends, I am sure once football season is over Calvin Johnson of the Detroit Lions will find me and fall in love ...with me of course (lol)
I realize that I’ve looked at that big picture so much that I never stopped and appreciated the small pieces that make it up. One thing I’ve learned this year is to take progress one day at a time and believe that for anything to happen overnight there’s lots of preparation. For some reason many of us waste a lot of days in our life waiting for life to happen, waiting for a moment to change us into greatness. The truth of the matter is the best way to spend our day is make progress toward our goal, our dream. Small changes add up to huge transformations. So to my friend, who is following his or her dream, keep making progress. Eventually it will all add up.
Til Next Time
Simply Lola