When I was a little girl my dad would take my sister and I to Blockbuster after school on Fridays to rent movies. It never failed I always rented the same video from the store. I always got Janet Jackson’s tape of music videos. In fact I rented it so much that the store manager one day just gave me the tape to have. On the weekends my sister and I could stay up as long as we wanted, I would wait til everyone was asleep and I would pop my Janet Jackson tape in the recorder and just watch her for hours. I can’t remember how old I was but I remember my cousin Stacy asking me what I wanted to be when I grow up. I said with confidence, I want to be Janet Jackson. She said oh so you want to be a singer, I said yes but I want to be Janet Jackson the singer (lol). For a while I really worked hard attempting to be Janet Jackson’s clone. I even won a Halloween costume contest dressed as her, but still I was just a look alike (lol). Somewhere between then and now I discovered the person I can be is Lola (lol). And as Lola I’m not that bad of a singer/ pop artist.
The journey of music has taken me through several directions of genres. I started out recording Neo Soul and then R&;B and now Pop. I never had an interest or a desire to sing gospel…no reason in particular it just wasn’t my thing( I can feel the Judges judge me as the anxiously start to type their self righteous opinions about my preference, lol). I only sang Neo Soul and R&;B because I thought that’s what black singers were suppose to sing. But I fell in love with music watching a pop artist, Janet Jackson. Singing pop music has been a comfortable and easy transition. I love singing Pop and selling sex (lol)…only through song, I’m a lady I’m not that easy…well maybe I am… give a glasses of wine and who knows what I’ll do (wink) ,lol (relax it’s a joke). Anyway developing into a Pop artist has been really great. I have been accepted by an audience that allows me to do what I love and not be judged. I’ve become more confident with myself as woman and as an artist. I’m really enjoying the change and with change come reinventions.
I have been known as Lola Natisa the Neo Soul and even the R&B artist. Now I’m a sexy pop artist and its time to spice my name a little. My first name Lola is taken from fiery grandmother Lola Simmons. My mom told me a long time ago she named me after my grandmother because my grandmother is confident, strong and a fighter. Now I have been through a lot, lord knows I have and I’d like to think I take after my granny in a lot of ways. So there for to pay homage to her I have change my stage name to Lola Simone. I’m using Simone because its sexier than Simmons (what do you think). With that being said I am going to be making changes to my face book, twitter and my other social media accounts. I prayed about my big move. I really want to move to the big apple, but I asked God to let his will be done. Where ever I end up I want to have a core foundation already developed as an artist. I have a big show on the 24th of April so by then I should have my music, photos, website another things done.
In life I have found that I am going to be trying a variety of things before I find what works for me. I am going to go on a hundred dates or more(I'm hoping less) before I date the one guy I’ll marry. And I’m ok with that. My friend/ manager Alex told while getting ready for a show that one habit I have to break is settling. If it doesn’t work try something else, but don’t settle until it’s what you want. I’m changing my name and possibly changing where I live, if these things don’t work I’ll do change again. Life is too short to punish myself with less than the best or what’s best for me.
Til Next Time Simply Lola, or shall I say Simly Lola Simone