It’s been a long time coming. I haven’t written in weeks and my reason for that is because of the lack of time in a day, a little bit of writers block but mostly because I’ve been on an emotional roller coaster. It’s been one thing after another with my move to New York. At first I was extremely excited with moving to New York, and then my future job told me they have over budgeted for my position and that I may not be needed for it at all. Clearly that took me from an extreme high to an ultimate low. To receive the news of being fired before ever even getting started was just tragic. Although it wasn’t confirmed I knew I had to figure out a plan B…what was I going to do?!?! I had given my notice to both of my jobs and my position had been filled. I wasn’t sure if I should stay in Atlanta and just try to make the best out of my disappointing situation or just go home. I even thought about all the people I told and how I would be judge as the girl that just can’t seem to get her shit together. Hence my exhausting emotional rollercoaster ride.
The day I received the news that my dreams of living in the Big Apple maybe postponed was also my last day working my retail job at Lenox Mall. My co-workers and I had created a very strong and tight bond. We always support and encourage each other in whatever it is that we’re doing. It was the day I would be saying goodbye to very close friends and the weight of not knowing where I would be a very heavy load I'd carry on my heart. Tears were streaming down my face because of heart breaking news from my future job and for the fact that I would no longer be working with people who were now my friends. My manager and good Maggie painted me the beautiful portrait that said “life is good” clearly that just made me even more emotion. The day was filled with flooding tears. When we closed the store for the night we figure we’d feed my unstable emotions with long island ice teas and shots, shots of any and everything I could through back (lol). The drinking was a good distraction from all that I was encountering at once, but when the bar did last call I was quickly reminded of my confusion and the urgency for me to make a wise decision (Oh dear God, what was I going to do).
When I got home I sat in my car, closed my eyes and took a deep breath. As soon as I opened my eyes I got a text from the Titan. My thoughts were I really can’t take anymore disappointments and what could he possibly want. Still under the influence of way too much alcohol I couldn’t figure out how to text him back, so I called. He answered and before he could even say hello I just started crying like an out of control woman saying “I think I was just fired from a job that I hadn’t even started”. Shockingly he stayed on the phone and just let cry. The crazy thing is I never had been this vulnerable with him. Until that night I would have never ever considered him to be a person that I could lean on. OMG!!! he’s not the jackass that broke my heart and colored me crazy, he’s actually a F.R.I.E.N.D…he’s a friend or was one that night, Now wait! Just because the Titan is my friend (which is very weird to say) doesn’t mean anything, Calvin Johnson of the Detroit Lions still has my heart. He is still the man for me, lol... now back to what I was saying. I had no idea what I was going to do. Of course the Titan suggested Dallas would be my best beat. I wasn’t against coming back home but the Big Apple has been a dream of mine since college. Ironically through my tears and confusion I never once uttered the words “why me” or “where are you God” I simply said to him that there are two things I wanted more than anything for myself this year, well three and that is God’s will, unshakeable faith and complete confidence in who I am and what I do and if I have to endure situations like this one to get what I want I'm okay with it. I even said that no where I am I know that I am a fucking (lets just blame that statement of truth on the alcohol). Clearly he was taken back by my words but continued to listen in silence. I cried and talked about just me and what I was going through for almost 2 hours and when we hung up I said my prayers. I told God that it doesn’t matter where I am I know that I’ll be better than okay.And I jumped off my crazy emotional rollercoaster ride.
The next morning I finally got a grip on my thoughts and wrote down what I wanted to do and what would make sense for me to do. There is no question that I am not a person that plays it safe. I live by my college motto “find a way or make a way”. In this case I am going to have to find a way and make way at the same damn time. So therefore my decision is clear to me…I am moving to New York. I have a place to stay and I’ve been sending out my resume so I’ll get a job sooner or later (praying for sooner rather than later, lol). I didn’t come this far too quit and I’m confident that not only will I be okay but I will be very successful in the Big Apple. I don’t have all the answers to a hundred questions that I am so sure many of my friends and family may have for me. All I know is I have one life to live and I want to make sure I have few regrets as possible.
Emotional rollercoasters put us in a position to breakdown and build up. It’s within the breakdown I learn how to build myself up. I can see me finally becoming the person I have always wanted to me, confident with unshakable faith. Alex and Eric my “team from Atlanta” have gotten transfers from their jobs and will be in New York in June. When they get there I’ll be ready to continue our journey of me being a Great Success.
Til Next Time
Simply Lola