The Dallas Cowboys/ From A Girls Point of View
When it comes to love and relationships men and women are very different especially when we’re talking about “coloring”. If you’re a single woman like me whose coloring activity is a rare form from time to time usually will engage in adult activity with very high expectations. To have our painter of choice be disappointing after a dreadful long drought is just unacceptable especially for the first night more importantly unforgivable and tragic just tragic. There is absolutely no way we can forgive foul play when four play was requested (lol). Thankfully men are more understanding and a little more sensitive to fundamentals of coloring. A woman can be deader than a tree limb on the first night of exotic exploring and a man will be the gentleman and simply will blame it on the alcohol. Never turning down the second night because he knows everyone can have an off night and will proceed with an open mind. If she still can’t seem to rise to the expectations of a powerful painting performance he will make a few suggestions, take some time off and look forward to round three, four, and even five. Men are so positive in coloring cases they firmly believe that three times may not very well be the charm. Never the less they will work hard on building the right chemistry to properly color. We as women know that he as a fan of her canvas (just because she’s got one…no more nothing less) he will be more than glad to participate in painting outside the lines because he has successfully showed patience. Let’s be honest, in situations like these one must be determine to find a way or make a way to cum correct (lol). He is determine to make failures into favorable memories the man usually sparks the flame that electrifies compatible chemistry. The result of thid is both man and woman will perfectly perform four play with no signs of foul play, painting a performance of passion and pleasurable pleasing. I find that the male’s method can very well be related to the Dallas Cowboys tragic start for this season.
There has been so much hype about the Dallas Cowboys, the Super Bowl, and the Dallas Cowboys playing in the Super Bowl. It’s clear the home team would not only want to be the host of Super Bowl XLV but also be the home team playing, but with a 1-3 record Doubting Thomas’s has risen its ugly head. The Cowboys take on the Minnesota Viking and many faith fans are just unsure if “Five Times Is A Charm”. After losing to the tacky Titians, the barely making it(Chicago Bears), and a lost to wishful wonderers (Washington Redskins) many faithful fans have decided to fall out as the 12 man on the field.
Being that I am Dallas Native and a huge fan of the boys in blue (Dez Bryant is my favorite, he wears Uncle Drew's number 88) I have decided to take the attitude of the forgiving man. The first time was a little rocky, the second game loss was just poor preparation and the third was just lack of focus, but that doesn't mean the end can’t be better than the beginning. With all the media discussions, unauthorized coaching by fans, several play reviews, locker room long talks, and power forcing practicing I’m sure they will manage to make negative numbers transform into a positive play performances.
To my friend who once was a fellow fan I encourage you to not hold the grudge of the single women with minimal patience for disappointing coloring performance. Be more like the forgiving men who knows that everyone has an off game or two, hell even three every now and again. Just because the start is a little rooky doesn’t mean the ending will be dreadful. Have the gentlemen’s attitude, when a woman’s canvas seems a little dry, or her picture resembles a boring stick figure, he doesn't put her out the game. He finds a way to moisturize what is dry, adding red rose to her cheeks as she basks in enjoying a beautiful painting performance…I think it’s called chemistry. All The Cowboys need is a spark to light the flame of chemistry. Good Chemistry produces positive productivity...WIN
Till Next Time
Simply Lola
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